Beyond the Lab
Interested in taking your research beyond the lab and into the real world? Sign up for updates and we'll occasionally send out insights and perspectives from our ongoing work commercializing our research, and you can learn how you can take your research beyond the lab and into a product.
We are also holding a few small online interactive discussions on the challenges and opportunities for just this. Register for an interactive seminar (space is limited so sign up soon if interested!)
Do you know anyone interested in these topics? Feel free to pass along this page and they're more than welcome to sign up as well.
Let's Chat!
Let's talk at CHI! Reach out by email to set up a time to talk or send a message and we can follow up after CHI. Send Email
LBW: Shape Cast
We are presenting our late breaking work: Shape Cast: Automating 3D Design for Plaster Molds in Ceramic Slip Casting. Check out the poster on Wednesday and come talk about our work on our ceramics design tool and our model for conducting research and how we launched it for public use: Shape Cast